relationships are like glass.sometimes its better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself putting it back together

i miss you

13 June, 2010

maafkan aku kerana tak meminta maaf dari mu...

i cant forgive myself for not asking for apology from u..i do,,yes i do want,,but i'm full with stupid emotion...hah...n now i have to accept that,,hahah,,,,,ok,,,nak ckp tuh saje.....aku ego n now i bear the akibat,,ehh,,alaa,,,aku bole pronouns je...xreti eja...consequent,,,err,,,,hell,,patut xdpt masok spell it tak ye je aku nih...

err,,,haha,,, ok alyaa aku update,,,xmrajuk pon dr dunia blog nih,,,need time to heal the wound but i hope i can easily forget about the scar but,,haha,,,,it was there n its big...


02 June, 2010

selamat tinggal longer using this blog....erm,,,pen-type-an ku diganggu oleh chat fb..hehe...ok,,,itulah dia..seperti yg anda bacaa....jadi xpayah risau...ini jalan yg terbaik yang adaa....dan,,,,,haha..drop it..n forget it... selamat malam....((erm,,aku kan gedeng kan..jadi entry nih mungkin konon2 nan sematamata....))

maaf...aku mmg sewel sikett...